Sep 3, 2008

So, here I am at home, a day before I leave to Australia. I should probably be packing right now, but how much could one actually need to pack for six months? So I'm a bit of a blogging umm.... how do you say it? Beginner? Yeah, we'll go with that. I'm pretty excited about going to Australia but I'm feeling pretty sick right now, so If you happen to think of me while I'm traveling your prayers would be much appreciated. Also, thanks to all the people who have already been supporting me both prayerfully and financially; it's encouraging to know that people are praying for you. I'll be back before you know it, until than.. Cheers.

To God be the Glory


Tara said...

Hey Zac, We know you're gonna have some great times out there. Keep us updated and we'll keep you in our prayers.

Phoebe said...
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