Nov 8, 2008

Odd Week

Yep, another week is gone. Finished. Done. It seems that's how a lot of the weeks here have felt. Time has seemingly sped up and in a few more short weeks we'll be done at YWAM SA. Let's not dwell on the sadness of it all though.

This week was a bit of a funny one, not actually funny as in worth laughing about but funny as in odd. A majority of the people on base were absent this past week as they were attending the National Leaders Meeting (NLM) in Melbourne. So not everybody that went is a leader per say, but I'm sure they all learned heaps of stuff and formed tighter relationships with one another as well as with Jesus. Although most of the people who are normally on base were gone this week I would dare say that it was a combination of things that made the week a bit odd. With the base being so quiet there wasn't the same motivation to be doing work at all times; I admit it, not nearly as much work got done this week compared to weeks gone by. Although we did cut a wall and put in a door, paint the door/frame, burn an old tree stump, herd some sheep, gash my toe (which is healing up surprisingly nicely), mow part of the lawn, and paint some signs. Now, to the fun stuff.

When everybody left for NLM Laura and I promised ourselves that we'd do as many fun things as we could while they were gone. We may have broken that promise to some extent, but we did keep part of it. On Wednesday evening Laura, myself, and Leah had the privilege of going to play bingo with Paulette. Of course, what is bingo without a little costume action. When I say action my friends, I mean action. Let's just say we got the twice and even three times over from several different people. We didn't win any money but it was definitely worth it just to be out for the evening and enjoy the crazy environment of some seniors hall bingo. Bingo was probably the highlight outing for the week but little things like bread run and home surgery on my toe definitely made it enjoyable as well. We got rain this week! So that's not a big deal to any of you at home, in fact you're probably getting rain/snow right now. To South Australia that is a fairly big deal to be getting rain. Again 5 millimeters probably sounds like nothing for one night but it's something here. I was told this morning that South Australia has had below average rainfall every month for the last 37 months, that's over three years! It's not even summer yet and the grass is almost entirely brown. I've found myself continually praying for rain, both physically and spiritually over the last month or so. Anyhow, that's about all I have to say about that. If you've got any questions, comments, or even a loving word I'd love to hear from you. I tried (5 times) to post some pictures this week but our internet is just too slow, so you'll have to wait until December.

God Bless all of you and I pray He will continue to strengthen you in the fruits of His spirit as you daily live out His will for your life. Blessings and Prayers.


Caitlin said...

you are funny

Anonymous said...

Hey their brotha, i hear your having a hoot out thier with the auzzi's. have a good one, keep fit and have fun. Cant wait to see you again! Love you Zacaddy
