Jan 31, 2009

Back in Adelaide

This past Tuesday morning Graham and I decided to make the trek from Newcastle back to Adelaide. We're not the sort of guys to stop overnight and pay for any sort of hotel, so we decided to drive straight west from Newcastle to Adelaide. When we left just before three in the morning it seemed like a beautiful day to be driving, rain and slightly overcast. By the time we made it to wester New South Wales it was hot. I don't mean 30 degrees summer day. It was the hottest day on record in five years in South Australia, 43, but driving through the outback in a car without air conditioning it must have been close to 50 degrees. Go ahead and dream about, but I'm sure some of you would agree that -30 is better. Anyhow, after 16 hours of driving virtually non-stop we arrived back at the YWAM Adelaide base. It felt like we were coming back home in a sense, not that this is my home, but it was nice to see familiar people in familiar surroundings.

This past week saw a few days of work and yesterday was a base cleaning day because we had fire inspectors coming to check out the building. It's been incredibly hot out this last week and I've heard from several people in different parts of the world that Adelaide has been on the news as one of the hot spots. These next couple of days will be my last days with Graham because on Monday he's flying to Perth for his fitness trainers course and won't be back in Adelaide until well after I leave. He'll be reading this so I can't say I'm happy to see him go, ha ha. I'm glad to see how he's continuing on doing what God has in store for him and I'll be looking forward to seeing him at home again. Speaking of home, it's less than one month until I'm back on frozen Canadian soil. I am definitely looking forward to seeing people at home but am also treasuring my last month here. It's not every day you spend six months in Australia. This last month in Adelaide will probably be full of base work for me because we haven't had anyone doing maintenance regularly since Graham and I left the base in December. Other than work there's a new DTS starting in a couple of days and I decided to name February dessert month, so we'll see what that brings.

I'm off for now because sometimes it seems too hot to even be typing. Cheers.

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